
The Forensic Medicine Division consists of physicians and forensic technicians.  The physicians autopsy and examine Coroner’s cases, determine cause and mode of death, prepare autopsy reports, and testify in court.  Forensic technicians assist in autopsy, and photograph and x-ray decedents.

The Division’s main responsibility is to determine cause and mode of death for Coroner’s cases.  In addition, the Medical Division trains forensic pathology fellows, pathology residents, pathologist’s assistant students, and medical students.

We work with numerous government and community organizations, including the police, attorneys, the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, and a number of accrediting agencies.  Medical Division staff members serve on Countywide committees that evaluate the deaths of children, deaths of elderly or dependent adults, and deaths related to domestic violence.  Medical Examiner-Coroner physicians also participate in the Department’s program to make organs and tissues available for transplantation.